Monday, September 28, 2009

Recovery Walk (4.2mi)

Post race recovery started today.  Stuck to cross training and a trail walk with the dog.

Weight: 134 lbs
Time: 65 min

Started with push ups, pull ups, and upper body cross training.  No running for a couple of days, at least, so I took the dog to the trails.  She had a blast going over Stagecoach Bluff, but was a bit impatient not being able to run.

My legs actually feel pretty good today.  I'm not sure if it's a matter of my conditioning, or having done all of the right things to recover yesterday.  I hydrated like crazy, and had a LOT of protein for lunch.  I didn't nap, but I did spend an hour or so on the bed just relaxing.  Last night and this morning my leg felt warm, but that's it.  One other possible factor in my recovery is the prednisone I'm taking for my hives, since it might be helping as an anti-inflammatory.