Ran 1/4 mile intervals with the dog.
Weight: 135.5 lbs
Time: 55 min
Still getting lots of sleep, but waking up groggy. Did my warm up, stretching, and lower body cross training.
Warmed up with 1 mile run to the soccer fields, followed by 8 x 100 m striders (w/100 m cool downs.) After that, we ran 10 x 400 m intervals w/200 m cool downs. Finished up with an easy run back home.
Dog did great this morning. She was a bit hyper at first, and did get distracted by other dogs, but was very strong overall. The first eight intervals were around 82 sec each, with the last two being closer to 85 sec. She's now keeping up at least a 5:40/mi pace for .25 mile intervals.