Took the dog with me for the entire run today. Hopefully this will tire her out so she won't be too hyper from not being able to run around the yard because of the rain.
Weight: 137.5 lbs
Time: 70 min
Napped after lunch, but got to bed a little later than planned. Still, I slept very hard and was pretty rested. After warming up and stretching I did lower body cross training.
Stuck to the neighborhood again today to avoid the muddy trails. As expected, the dog kept up easily and (as usual) had to be reminded to slow down. She seems happiest around an 8:00/mi pace. However, I was just wanting some easy mileage, keeping an average pace of 8:36/mi. Stopped to walk for a couple of minutes a little after mile six due to some pain in my right shin. It didn't return.