Went for a mellow, but very hilly, run before I taper for next week's half marathon.
Weight: 137 lbs
Time: 90 min
I skipped my Friday run, partly due to laziness, but also to give my legs a break since a muscle in my left leg was pretty tight.
Since I didn't run yesterday, I didn't bother to take a nap. I went to bed at a decent time, and got around eight hours of sleep, but I kept getting woken up at various times so I didn't feel that well rested. I did my warm up and stretching routine, but didn't take anything on my run to stay hydrated. I didn't plan on pushing very hard, so I didn't think I'd need it. It didn't seem to hurt my performance.
I ran my nasty "mini-Xterra" course, going 5 miles out, then coming back along the same route. I tripped once during the warm up, but stayed upright. My left leg felt much better today, but my left ankle seems to be a bit tender, something I didn't notice until I started the run. Fortunately, I didn't push myself, and I don't have any running planned until Monday. Also, I will be napping later today to help recover from the exertion.
Next week, the taper begins...