Took the dog for a short run/walk around the neighborhood, then went for a long run/walk in Sycamore Canyon.
Weight 137.5 lbs
Time: 2 hours 36 min
Had a very erratic day on Friday. Finally got a nap around 2pm, and got to bed around 8:30pm. Had a rough time waking up.
Warmed up with a very mellow couple of miles with the dog. Didn't go for any particular pace because I didn't get any real stretching in before getting out.
After getting back home I drove out to Sycamore Canyon and went all the way out to PCH, about 8 miles. Took a few minutes to eat an energy bar before heading back.
It's going to take some time to get used to the longer mileage, but it was easier than I had expected. My next goal will be to go the same distance without the regular walking intervals.