Ran 1/2 mile intervals with the dog.
Weight: 134 lbs
Time: 52 min
Went to bed early last night and slept much better, but I'm not completely caught up on my sleep. Did my warm up, stretching, and lower body cross training.
Warmed up with 1 mile run to the soccer fields, followed by 8 x 100 m striders (w/100 m cool downs.) After that, we ran 6 x 800 m intervals w/200 m cool downs. Finished up with an easy run back home.
The dog is starting to eat again, and slept through the night. I brought a travel bowl so that she could have water during the run. She performed well overall, but was easily distracted at points. Some of the intervals were closer to a 6:00/mi pace due to bathroom breaks and other distractions, but the better intervals were around a 5:40/mi pace.