Monday, October 26, 2009

Tempo Run (9.4mi)

Took it a bit easier today with a short run with the dog, followed by a slower paced tempo run.

Weight: 135.5 lbs
Time: 69 min

I've finally stopped getting stomach pain.  It's been several days now, but I'm not ready to go back on the thyroid meds.  I'll contact my Dr and see what my options are.

Stayed up too late on Friday, so I was not up to running on Saturday morning.  It took me most of the day before I stopped feeling tired.  Continued resting for much of Sunday as well.

Had a bad night's sleep last night due to the hot dry winds.  Decided not to do my exercises today and just went straight to the run.  Took the dog for a very mellow warm up.  After that I did my usual tempo route, but didn't push as hard as usual.  Ended up averaging a 6:14/mi pace before cooling down for a bit more than 3 miles.