Took the dog for a 2 mile warm up, then ran 1/4 mile intervals.
Weight: 135.5 lbs
Time: 69 min
Went to bed early and slept well. Did my warm up, stretching, and lower body cross training.
Warmed up with a 2 mile run/walk with the dog. After getting her back home I ran to the soccer fields, followed by 8 x 100 m striders (w/100 m walking cool downs.) After that, I ran 8 x 400 m intervals w/100 m walking cool downs. Finished up with a run/walk back home.
Windy and warmer this morning. Wouldn't have been a good day for speed work even if I wasn't working through a sore ankle. Stuck with 8 min/2 min run walks again. For the striders and intervals I worked easier than usual, but still kept a quick pace. For the cool downs I walked the usual distances.