Saturday, March 13, 2010

100 Push Up Challenge Test

Well, thanks to a Twitter friend, I decided to take the 100 Push Up Challege.  I've actually been doing push ups for quite some time, but topped out at 30 per time, three times a week.  I figure it's time to push it further.

The first step was to actually figure out where to start.  I did this by doing as many consecutive proper form push ups as possible.  I stopped at 42, since my form was starting to break down.  For my age group, that puts me at a rank of 4.  That means I'll actually be starting at week 3 of 6, using the >25 push ups grouping.  I start on Monday!

Easy Run (2.1mi) 3/12/2010

Kept it simple again today.  Took the dog for a short run around the neighborhood.

Intervals (5.3mi) 3/11/2010

Took the dog for a warm up, followed by short intervals.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Why Does A Salad Cost More Than A Big Mac?

A wonderful infographic showing the disparity between the government's recommendation for nutrition and subsidies for food production.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Easy Run (6.2mi)

Took the dog for a short run, then did a quick trail run.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Try running a 10 minute mile...

wearing a 60 lb blast-proof suit!

The Common Sense Guide to "Organic" and Other Food Labels

LifeHacker has an article on what food labels do (and don't) mean.

Recovery Run (6.1mi)

Woke up wiped out this morning, but still going to run.  Took the dog with me for the entire distance.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Tempo Run (8.1mi)

Assuming there isn't a delay in next Sunday's race, today begins a week of tapering.  Took the dog for a warm up, then went for a short tempo run.

Smoke ring collision

Very cool (but noisy) video of blue and red smoke rings colliding. I just wish the image didn't jump during the initial contact.
(From Boing-Boing)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Saturday Run (11.75mi)

Warmed up with the dog, then went for a longer neighborhood run.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Easy Run (6.4mi)

Took the (very reluctant) dog for a short run, then continued on my own.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Easy Run (2mi)

Compensating for over training by keeping to a short run with the dog. 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A Brief Reprieve

Well, XTERRA just informed me that the Mission Gorge race has been postponed, again.  Now it will take place April 30th, making the Malibu Creek race the penultimate event instead of the final one.  While a bummer, and a pain in the ass due to having to change hotel reservations again, I'm happy that I won't have two races with only a week between them.  Of course, that assumes that the Black Mountain event proceeds as planned.

Hill Climbs (7mi)

Took the dog for a warm up run, the followed up with some hill climbs.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Recovery Run (4.1mi)

Took the dog for a short trail run.


Wow, I wish I knew what happened!  I've been so good about keeping my running entries up to date, but a few weeks ago I just started slacking off.  I can partly blame my attempt to get into the office an hour earlier, but that doesn't seem to completely cover it.  My days were getting pretty busy for a while there, and my evenings are quite a bit more crowded with the dog's obedience training, but why should that impact my ability to spend a lousy five minutes recounting how my run went?  I'd blame my thyroid medication if it wasn't for the fact that this issue predates the new prescription by a couple of weeks.

Whatever the reason, I'm going to work at keeping up to date again.  Only time will tell if it sticks this time.

Tempo Run (8.1mi) 3/1/2010

Took the dog for a warm up run, followed by a reduced tempo run.

Saturday Run (12.75mi) 2/27/2010

Since it was too rainy for the trails, I took the dog out for an extended road run.

Recovery Run (6mi) 2/26/2010

Went for a mellow run with the dog.