Saturday, October 3, 2009

Easy Run (6.2mi)

Got some more mileage in this morning.  Not very fast, but enough to tire the dog out.

Weight: 132 lbs
Time: 50 min

Took things very easy this morning, starting with sleeping in a couple of hours.  The dog was freaking out about how late we got out, and was pushing way too hard the first mile or so.  She conked out a bit around the 3 mile mark, dropping our pace quite a bit, but got her second wind after a while.  We ended up averaging 8:04/mi.

Didn't do too badly, considering I started the run without much hydration or stretching.  I had meant to run closer to 8 miles, but I'll leave that for next week.  This week I'll just write off for purposes of getting back to my training.