Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Recovery Run (8.1mi)

Hit the trails with the dog again, with some added distance.

Weight: 135 lbs
Time: 66 min

Still not sure what sort of cycle is occurring with my stomach cramps, but yesterday afternoon saw a return of some pain.  Nothing too bad, but I did take an anti-gas pill.  Slept well, but wasn't perfect in the morning.  Still, I managed to get warmed up, stretched, and get through my lower body exercises.

Cool again this morning, but it's supposed to get warmer tomorrow.  Took the dog out for a 6 mile trail run, which she handled well with only a few spots where she slowed down.  After that, I did another couple of miles to get up to 8 total miles.  Averaged an 8:06/mi pace.